Print ad, third draft


Teenagers Choose Your Destiny


    Literacy in America is the center of a longtime debate between different parts of the society, politicians, civil rights activists, parents, and schools. The complexity of the jobs in the market demanding a higher level of literacy is not a surprise; some jobs are critical to the growth of our economy. This era has witnessed a growing fierce competition from other nations that are investing heavily to strengthen their educational systems “As of 2011, America was the only free-market OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) country where the current generation was less well educated than the previous”  (the Council for Advancement of Adult Literacy, 2008). To overcome these challenges we need the contribution of the whole nation. The disparity in literacy of minorities is alarming; many reasons are behind such as Poverty, mediocre health coverage, and negative stimulating environment. These reasons are primarily causing failure of young African-Americans and Hispanics in school. Filling the gap in literacy between different classes of our society is the first step to push the educational system to become more performant. My advertisement is targeted to males of poor neighborhoods between the age of 12 and 16 because it is a sensitive period of transition from childhood to manhood. The adult behavior is directly impacted by this transitional period. The main idea is to persuade this group of the importance of learning. Making a relation between knowledge and the status of a man is another way to contradict with stereotypes associating manhood with drugs, sex, or alcohol. For the posting of this ad, I suggest a magazine for teenagers like Sports Illustrated considering the fact that many of this demographic is passionate about sports.

Work cited :

Council for Advancement of Adult Literacy. (2008). Reach higher, America overcoming crisis in the US workforce.

Washington U.S Government printing office.


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